Package 'kader'

Title: Kernel Adaptive Density Estimation and Regression
Description: Implementation of various kernel adaptive methods in nonparametric curve estimation like density estimation as introduced in Stute and Srihera (2011) <doi:10.1016/j.spl.2011.01.013> and Eichner and Stute (2013) <doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2012.03.011> for pointwise estimation, and like regression as described in Eichner and Stute (2012) <doi:10.1080/10485252.2012.760737>.
Authors: Gerrit Eichner [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Gerrit Eichner <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 0.0.8
Built: 2025-03-01 04:51:09 UTC

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Specialized “Workhorse” Function for Kernel Adaptive Density Estimators


Common specialized computational “workhorse” function to compute the kernel adaptive density estimators both in eq. (1.6) of Srihera & Stute (2011) and in eq. (4) of Eichner & Stute (2013) (together with several related quantities) with a σ\sigma that minimizes the estimated MSE using an estimated θ\theta. This function is “specialized” in that it expects some pre-computed quantities (in addition to the point(s) at which the density is to be estimated, the data, etc.). In particular, the estimator of θ\theta (which is typically the arithmetic mean of the data) is expected to be already “contained” in those pre-computed quantities, which increases the computational efficiency.


adaptive_fnhat(x, data, K, h, sigma, Ai, Bj, fnx, ticker = FALSE,
  plot = FALSE, parlist = NULL, ...)



Numeric vector (x1,,xk)(x_1, \ldots, x_k) of location(s) at which the density estimate is to be computed.


Numeric vector (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n) of the data from which the estimate is to be computed.


Kernel function with vectorized in- & output.


Numeric scalar, where (usually) h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Numeric vector (σ1,,σs)(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_s) with s1s \ge 1.


Numeric matrix expecting in its i-th row (xiX1,,xiXn)/h(x_i - X_1, \ldots, x_i - X_n)/h, where (usually) x1,,xkx_1, \ldots, x_k with k=k = length(x) are the points at which the density is to be estimated for the data X1,,XnX_1, \ldots, X_n with h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Numeric vector expecting (J(1/n),,J(n/n))(-J(1/n), \ldots, -J(n/n)) in case of the rank transformation method, but (θ^X1,,θ^Xn)(\hat \theta - X_1, \ldots, \hat \theta - X_n) in case of the non-robust Srihera-Stute-method.


Numeric vector expecting (fn(x1),,fn(xk))(f_n(x_1), \ldots, f_n(x_k)) with fn(xi)f_n(x_i) the Parzen-Rosenblatt estimator at xix_i, i.e., fn(xi)=f_n(x_i) = mean(K(Ai[i,]))/h where here typically h =n1/5= n^{-1/5}.


Logical; determines if a 'ticker' documents the iteration progress through sigma. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical or character or numeric and indicates if graphical output should be produced. Defaults to FALSE (i.e., no graphical output is produced). If it is a character string or a numeric value, graphical output will be written to numbered pdf-files (one for each element of x, in the current working directory) whose names start with the provided “value” after converting it into a character string followed by the index number of the pertaining x-element. (Parts of the graphical output are generated by minimize_MSEHat.)


A list of graphical parameters; affects only the pdf-files (if any are created at all). Default: NULL.


Possible further arguments passed to minimize_MSEHat() (where they are currently ignored).


The computational procedure in this function can be highly iterative because for each point in x (and hence for each row of matrix Ai) the MSE estimator is computed as a function of σ\sigma on a (usually fine) σ\sigma-grid provided through sigma. This happens by repeated calls to bias_AND_scaledvar(). The minimization in σ\sigma is then performed by minimize_MSEHat() using both a discrete grid-search and the numerical optimization routine implemented in base R's optimize(). Finally, compute_fnhat() yields the actual value of the density estimator for the adapted σ\sigma, i.e., for the MSE-estimator-minimizing σ\sigma. (If necessary the computation over the σ\sigma-grid is repeated after extending the range of the grid until the estimator functions for both bias and variance are not constant across the σ\sigma-grid.)


A list of as many lists as elements in x, each with components x, y, sigma.adap, msehat.min, discr.min.smaller, and sig.range.adj whose meanings are as follows:

x the n coordinates of the points where the density is estimated.
y the estimate of the density value f(x)f(x).
sigma.adap Minimizer of MSE-estimator (from function minimize_MSEHat).
msehat.min Minimum of MSE-estimator (from function minimize_MSEHat).
discr.min.smaller TRUE iff the numerically found minimum was smaller than the discrete one (from function minimize_MSEHat).
sig.range.adj Number of adjustments of sigma-range.


Srihera & Stute (2011) and Eichner & Stute (2013): see kader.


## Not run: 

 # Kernel adaptive density estimators for simulated N(0,1)-data
 # computed on an x-grid using the rank transformation and the
 # non-robust method:
set.seed(2017);     n <- 100;     Xdata <- sort(rnorm(n))
x <- seq(-4, 4, by = 0.5);     Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 51)
h <- n^(-1/5)

x.X_h <- outer(x/h, Xdata/h, "-")
fnx <- rowMeans(dnorm(x.X_h)) / h   # Parzen-Rosenblatt estim. at
                                    # x_j, j = 1, ..., length(x).
 # non-robust method:
theta.X <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata
adaptive_fnhat(x = x, data = Xdata, K = dnorm, h = h, sigma = Sigma,
  Ai = x.X_h, Bj = theta.X, fnx = fnx, ticker = TRUE, plot = TRUE)

 # rank transformation-based method (requires sorted data):
negJ <- -J_admissible(1:n / n)   # rank trafo
adaptive_fnhat(x = x, data = Xdata, K = dnorm, h = h, sigma = Sigma,
  Ai = x.X_h, Bj = negJ, fnx = fnx, ticker = TRUE, plot = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Estimators of Bias and Scaled Variance


“Workhorse” function for vectorized (in σ\sigma) computation of both the bias estimator and the scaled variance estimator of eq. (2.3) in Srihera & Stute (2011), and for the analogous computation of the bias and scaled variance estimator for the rank transformation method in the paragraph after eq. (6) in Eichner & Stute (2013).


bias_AND_scaledvar(sigma, Ai, Bj, h, K, fnx, ticker = FALSE)



Numeric vector (σ1,,σs)(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_s) with s1s \ge 1.


Numeric vector expecting (x0X1,,x0Xn)/h(x_0 - X_1, \ldots, x_0 - X_n) / h, where (usually) x0x_0 is the point at which the density is to be estimated for the data X1,,XnX_1, \ldots, X_n with h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Numeric vector expecting (J(1/n),,J(n/n))(-J(1/n), \ldots, -J(n/n)) in case of the rank transformation method, but (θ^X1,,θ^Xn)(\hat{\theta} - X_1, \ldots, \hat{\theta} - X_n) in case of the non-robust Srihera-Stute-method. (Note that this the same as argument Bj of adaptive_fnhat!)


Numeric scalar, where (usually) h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Kernel function with vectorized in- & output.


fn(x0)=f_n(x_0) = mean(K(Ai))/h, where here typically h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Logical; determines if a 'ticker' documents the iteration progress through sigma. Defaults to FALSE.


Pre-computed fn(x0)f_n(x_0) is expected for efficiency reasons (and is currently prepared in function adaptive_fnhat).


A list with components BiasHat and VarHat.scaled, both numeric vectors of same length as sigma.


Srihera & Stute (2011) and Eichner & Stute (2013): see kader.



set.seed(2017);     n <- 100;     Xdata <- sort(rnorm(n))
x0 <- 1;      Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 21)

h <- n^(-1/5)
Ai <- (x0 - Xdata)/h
fnx0 <- mean(dnorm(Ai)) / h   # Parzen-Rosenblatt estimator at x0.

 # non-robust method:
Bj <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata
# # rank transformation-based method (requires sorted data):
# Bj <- -J_admissible(1:n / n)   # rank trafo

kader:::bias_AND_scaledvar(sigma = Sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = Bj, h = h,
  K = dnorm, fnx = fnx0, ticker = TRUE)

Bias Estimator of Eichner & Stute (2012)


Bias estimator Biasn(σ)Bias_n(\sigma), vectorized in σ\sigma, on p. 2540 of Eichner & Stute (2012).


bias_ES2012(sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K, mmDiff)



Numeric vector (σ1,,σs)(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_s) with s1s \ge 1 with values of the scale parameter σ\sigma.


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh (as “contained” in thetaXh and xXh).


Numeric vector expecting the pre-computed h-scaled differences (xX1)/h(x - X_1)/h, ..., (xXn)/h(x - X_n)/h where xx is the single (!) location for which the weights are to be computed, the XiX_i's are the data values, and hh is the numeric bandwidth scalar.


Numeric vector expecting the pre-computed h-scaled differences (θX1)/h(\theta - X_1)/h, ..., (θXn)/h(\theta - X_n)/h where θ\theta is the numeric scalar location parameter, and the XiX_i's and hh are as in xXh.


A kernel function (with vectorized in- & output) to be used for the estimator.


Numeric vector expecting the pre-computed differences mn(X1)mn(x),,mn(Xn)mn(x)m_n(X_1) - m_n(x), \ldots, m_n(X_n) - m_n(x).


The formula can also be found in eq. (15.21) of Eichner (2017). Pre-computed (xXi)/h(x - X_i)/h, (θXi)/h(\theta - X_i)/h, and mn(Xi)mn(x)m_n(X_i) - m_n(x) are expected for efficiency reasons (and are currently prepared in function kare).


A numeric vector of the length of sigma.


Eichner & Stute (2012) and Eichner (2017): see kader.

See Also

kare which currently does the pre-computing.



 # Regression function:
m <- function(x, x1 = 0, x2 = 8, a = 0.01, b = 0) {
 a * (x - x1) * (x - x2)^3 + b
 # Note: For a few details on m() see examples in ?nadwat.

n <- 100       # Sample size.
set.seed(42)   # To guarantee reproducibility.
X <- runif(n, min = -3, max = 15)      # X_1, ..., X_n   # Design.
Y <- m(X) + rnorm(length(X), sd = 5)   # Y_1, ..., Y_n   # Response.

h <- n^(-1/5)
Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 51)   # sigma-grid for minimization.
x0 <- 5   # Location at which the estimator of m should be computed.

 # m_n(x_0) and m_n(X_i) for i = 1, ..., n:
mn <- nadwat(x = c(x0, X), dataX = X, dataY = Y, K = dnorm, h = h)

 # Estimator of Bias_x0(sigma) on the sigma-grid:
(Bn <- bias_ES2012(sigma = Sigma, h = h, xXh = (x0 - X) / h,
  thetaXh = (mean(X) - X) / h, K = dnorm, mmDiff = mn[-1] - mn[1]))

## Not run: 
 # Visualizing the estimator of Bias_n(sigma) at x on the sigma-grid:
plot(Sigma, Bn, type = "o", xlab = expression(sigma), ylab = "",
  main = bquote(widehat("Bias")[n](sigma)~~"at"~~x==.(x0)))

## End(Not run)

“Unified” Function for Kernel Adaptive Density Estimators


“Unified” function to compute the kernel density estimator both of Srihera & Stute (2011) and of Eichner & Stute (2013).


compute_fnhat(x, data, K, h, Bj, sigma)



Numeric vector with the location(s) at which the density estimate is to be computed.


Numeric vector (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n) of the data from which the estimate is to be computed.


A kernel function (with vectorized in- & output) to be used for the estimator.


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh.


Numeric vector expecting (J(1/n),,J(n/n))(-J(1/n), \ldots, -J(n/n)) as produced in fnhat_SS2011 in case of the rank transformation method (using an admissible rank transformation as implemented by J_admissible), but (θ^X1(\hat \theta - X_1, ..., θ^Xn)\hat \theta - X_n) as produced in fnhat_ES2013 in case of the non-robust method.


Numeric scalar for value of scale parameter σ\sigma.


Implementation of both eq. (1.6) in Srihera & Stute (2011) for given and fixed scalars σ\sigma and θ\theta, and eq. (4) in Eichner & Stute (2013) for a given and fixed scalar σ\sigma and for a given and fixed rank transformation (and, of course, for fixed and given location(s) in xx, data (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n), a kernel function KK and a bandwidth hh). The formulas that the computational version implemented here is based upon are given in eq. (15.3) and eq. (15.9), respectively, of Eichner (2017). This function rests on preparatory computations done in fnhat_SS2011 or fnhat_ES2013.


A numeric vector of the same length as x with the estimated density values from eq. (1.6) of Srihera & Stute (2011) or eq. (4) of Eichner & Stute (2013).


In case of the rank transformation method the data are expected to be sorted in increasing order.


Srihera & Stute (2011), Eichner and Stute (2013), and Eichner (2017): see kader.



 # The kernel density estimators for simulated N(0,1)-data and a single
 # sigma-value evaluated on a grid using the rank transformation and
 # the non-robust method:
set.seed(2017);     n <- 100;     Xdata <- rnorm(n)
xgrid <- seq(-4, 4, by = 0.1)
negJ <- -J_admissible(1:n / n)                 # The rank trafo requires
compute_fnhat(x = xgrid, data = sort(Xdata),   # sorted data!
  K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5), Bj = negJ, sigma = 1)

theta.X <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata    # non-robust method
compute_fnhat(x = xgrid, data = Xdata, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
  Bj = theta.X, sigma = 1)

Cube-root that retains its argument's sign


Computes (x11/3,,xn1/3)(x_1^{1/3}, \ldots, x_n^{1/3}) with xi1/3x_i^{1/3} being negative if xi<0x_i < 0.





Numeric vector.


Vector of same length and mode as input.


kader:::cuberoot(x = c(-27, -1, -0, 0, 1, 27))

curve(kader:::cuberoot(x), from = -27, to = 27)

Epanechnikov kernel


Vectorized evaluation of the Epanechnikov kernel.





Numeric vector.


A numeric vector of the Epanechnikov kernel evaluated at the values in x.


kader:::epanechnikov(x = c(-sqrt(6:5), -2:2, sqrt(5:6)))

curve(kader:::epanechnikov(x), from = -sqrt(6), to = sqrt(6))

Robust Kernel Density Estimator of Eichner & Stute (2013)


Implementation of eq. (4) in Eichner & Stute (2013) for a given and fixed scalar σ\sigma, for rank transformation function JJ (and, of course, for fixed and given location(s) in xx, data (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n), a kernel function KK, and a bandwidth hh).


fnhat_ES2013(x, data, K, h, ranktrafo, sigma)



Numeric vector with the location(s) at which the density estimate is to be computed.


Numeric vector (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n) of the data from which the estimate is to be computed. Missing values are not allowed and entail an error.


A kernel function to be used for the estimator.


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh.


A function used for the rank transformation.


Numeric scalar for value of scale parameter σ\sigma.


The formula upon which the computational version implemented here is based is given in eq. (15.9) of Eichner (2017). This function does mainly only a simple preparatory computation and then calls compute_fnhat which does the actual work.


An object with class "density" whose underlying structure is a list containing the following components (as described in density), so that the print and plot methods for density-objects are immediately available):

x the n coordinates of the points where the density is estimated.
y the estimated density values from eq. (4) in Eichner & Stute (2013).
bw the bandwidth used.
n the sample size. (Recall: missing or infinite values are not allowed here.)
call the call which produced the result. the deparsed name of the x argument. logical, for compatibility (always FALSE).
ranktrafo as in Arguments.
sigma as in Arguments.


Eichner & Stute (2013) and Eichner (2017): see kader.

See Also



require(stats);   require(grDevices);   require(datasets)

 # Simulated N(0,1)-data and one sigma-value
set.seed(2016);     n <- 100;     d <- rnorm(n)
xgrid <- seq(-4, 4, by = 0.1)
(fit <- fnhat_ES2013(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
  ranktrafo = J2, sigma = 1) )

plot(fit, ylim = range(0, dnorm(0), fit$y), col = "blue")
curve(dnorm, add = TRUE);   rug(d, col = "red")
legend("topleft", lty = 1, col = c("blue", "black", "red"),
  legend = expression(hat(f)[n], phi, "data"))

 # The same data, but several sigma-values
sigmas <- seq(1, 4, length = 4)
(fit <- lapply(sigmas, function(sig)
  fnhat_ES2013(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
    ranktrafo = J2, sigma = sig)) )

ymat <- sapply(fit, "[[", "y")
matplot(x = xgrid, y = ymat, type = "l", lty = 1, col = 2 + seq(sigmas),
  ylim = range(0, dnorm(0), ymat), main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "Density")
curve(dnorm, add = TRUE);   rug(d, col = "red")
legend("topleft", lty = 1, col = c("black", "red", NA), bty = "n",
  legend = expression(phi, "data", hat(f)[n]~"in other colors"))

 # Old-Faithful-eruptions-data and several sigma-values
d <- faithful$eruptions;     n <- length(d);     er <- extendrange(d)
xgrid <- seq(er[1], er[2], by = 0.1);    sigmas <- seq(1, 4, length = 4)
(fit <- lapply(sigmas, function(sig)
   fnhat_ES2013(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
     ranktrafo = J2, sigma = sig)) )

ymat <- sapply(fit, "[[", "y");     dfit <- density(d, bw = "sj")
plot(dfit, ylim = range(0, dfit$y, ymat), main = "", xlab = "")
rug(d, col = "red")
matlines(x = xgrid, y = ymat, lty = 1, col = 2 + seq(sigmas))
legend("top", lty = 1, col = c("black", "red", NA), bty = "n",
  legend = expression("R's est.", "data", hat(f)[n]~"in other colors"))

(Non-robust) Kernel Density Estimator of Srihera & Stute (2011)


Implementation of eq. (1.6) in Srihera & Stute (2011) for given and fixed scalars σ\sigma and θ\theta (and, of course, for fixed and given location(s) in xx, data (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n), a kernel function KK and a bandwidth hh).


fnhat_SS2011(x, data, K, h, theta, sigma)



Numeric vector with the location(s) at which the density estimate is to be computed.


Numeric vector (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n) of the data from which the estimate is to be computed. Missing or infinite values are not allowed and entail an error.


A kernel function to be used for the estimator.


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh.


Numeric scalar for value of location parameter θ\theta.


Numeric scalar for value of scale parameter σ\sigma.


The formula upon which the computational version implemented here is based is given in eq. (15.3) of Eichner (2017). This function does mainly only a simple preparatory computation and then calls compute_fnhat which does the actual work.


An object with class "density" whose underlying structure is a list containing the following components (as described in density), so that the print and plot methods for density-objects are immediately available):

x the n coordinates of the points where the density is estimated.
y the estimated density values from eq. (1.6) in Srihera & Stute (2011).
bw the bandwidth used.
n the sample size. (Recall: missing or infinite values are not allowed here.)
call the call which produced the result. the deparsed name of the x argument. logical, for compatibility (always FALSE).
theta as in Arguments.
sigma as in Arguments.


Srihera & Stute (2011) and Eichner (2017): see kader.

See Also



require(stats);   require(grDevices);    require(datasets)

 # Simulated N(0,1)-data and one sigma-value
set.seed(2017);     n <- 100;     d <- rnorm(n)
xgrid <- seq(-4, 4, by = 0.1)
(fit <- fnhat_SS2011(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
  theta = mean(d), sigma = 1))

plot(fit, ylim = range(0, dnorm(0), fit$y), col = "blue")
curve(dnorm, add = TRUE);   rug(d, col = "red")
legend("topleft", lty = 1, col = c("blue", "black", "red"),
  legend = expression(tilde(f)[n], phi, "data")) 

 # The same data, but several sigma-values
sigmas <- seq(1, 4, length = 4)
(fit <- lapply(sigmas, function(sig)
  fnhat_SS2011(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
    theta = mean(d), sigma = sig)))

ymat <- sapply(fit, "[[", "y")
matplot(x = xgrid, y = ymat, type = "l", lty = 1, col = 3:6,
  ylim = range(0, dnorm(0), ymat), main = "", xlab = "", ylab = "Density")
curve(dnorm, add = TRUE);   rug(d, col = "red")
legend("topleft", lty = 1, col = c("black", "red", NA), bty = "n",
  legend = expression(phi, "data", tilde(f)[n]~"in other colors")) 

 # Old-Faithful-eruptions-data and several sigma-values
d <- faithful$eruptions;     n <- length(d);     er <- extendrange(d)
xgrid <- seq(er[1], er[2], by = 0.1);    sigmas <- seq(1, 4, length = 4)
(fit <- lapply(sigmas, function(sig)
   fnhat_SS2011(x = xgrid, data = d, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5),
     theta = mean(d), sigma = sig)))

ymat <- sapply(fit, "[[", "y");     dfit <- density(d, bw = "sj")
plot(dfit, ylim = range(0, dfit$y, ymat), main = "", xlab = "")
rug(d, col = "red")
matlines(x = xgrid, y = ymat, lty = 1, col = 3:6)
legend("top", lty = 1, col = c("black", "red", NA), bty = "n",
  legend = expression("R's est.", "data", tilde(f)[n]~"in other colors"))

Admissible Rank Transformations of Eichner & Stute (2013)


This is just a wrapper for the functions J1, J2, and u>3(2u1)u -> \sqrt 3 * (2u - 1) which implement the admissible transformations for the three cases for cc. For mathematical details see eq. (15.16) and (15.17) in Eichner (2017) and/or Eichner & Stute (2013).


J_admissible(u, cc = sqrt(5))



Numeric vector.


Numeric constant, defaults to 5\sqrt 5.


Basically, for cc in [(5/3),5][\sqrt(5/3), \sqrt 5]:

J_admissible(u, cc) = J1(u, cc) if cc <3< \sqrt 3,

J_admissible(u, cc) = J2(u, cc) if cc >3> \sqrt 3, and

J_admissible(u, cc) = sqrt(3) * (2*u - 1) if cc =3= \sqrt 3.


Vector of same length and mode as u.


The admissible rank transformations require cc to be in [(5/3),5][\sqrt(5/3), \sqrt 5]. If cc does not satisfy this requirement a warning (only) is issued. The default cc = sqrt(5), i.e., c=5c = \sqrt 5, yields the optimal rank transformation.

See Also

J1 and J2.


par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(3, 3, 0.5, 0.5), mgp = c(1.7, 0.7, 0))



Eq. (15.16) in Eichner (2017) as a result of Cardano's formula.


J1(u, cc = sqrt(5/3))



Numeric vector.


Numeric constant, defaults to (5/3)\sqrt(5/3).


Using, for brevity's sake, J1a(u,c):=qc(u)J_{1a}(u, c) := -q_c(u) and J1b(u,c):=J1a(u,c)2+pc3J_{1b}(u, c) := J_{1a}(u, c)^2 + p_c^3, the definition of J1J_1 reads:

J1(u,c):=[J1a(u,c)+(J1b(u,c))]1/3+[J1a(u,c)(J1b(u,c))]1/3J_1(u, c) := [J_{1a}(u, c) + \sqrt(J_{1b}(u, c))]^{1/3} + [J_{1a}(u, c) - \sqrt(J_{1b}(u, c))]^{1/3}.

For implementation details of qc(u)q_c(u) and pcp_c see qc and pc, respectively.

For further mathematical details see Eichner (2017) and/or Eichner & Stute (2013).


Vector of same length and mode as u.


Eq. (15.16) in Eichner (2017), and hence J1(u,c)J_1(u, c), requires cc to be in [(5/3),3)[\sqrt(5/3), 3). If cc does not satisfy this requirement a warning (only) is issued.

See Also



u <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
c0 <- expression(sqrt(5/3))
c1 <- expression(sqrt(3) - 0.01)
cgrid <- c(1.35, seq(1.4, 1.7, by = 0.1))
cvals <- c(eval(c0), cgrid, eval(c1))

Y <- sapply(cvals, function(cc, u) J1(u, cc = cc), u = u)
cols <- rainbow(ncol(Y), end = 9/12)
matplot(u, Y, type = "l", lty = "solid", col = cols,
  ylab = expression(J[1](u, c)))
abline(h = 0)
legend("topleft", title = "c", legend = c(c0, cgrid, c1),
  lty = 1, col = cols, cex = 0.8)



Eq. (20) in Eichner (2017) (based on "Bronstein's formula for k = 3")


J2(u, cc = sqrt(5))



Numeric vector.


Numeric constant, defaults to 5\sqrt 5.


J2(u,c)=2(pc)sin(1/3arcsin(qc(u)/(pc)3/2))J_2(u, c) = 2\sqrt(-p_c) * sin(1/3 * arcsin(q_c(u) / (-p_c)^{3/2}))

For implementation details of qc(u)q_c(u) and pcp_c see qc and pc, respectively.

For further mathematical details see Eichner (2017) and/or Eichner & Stute (2013).


Vector of same length and mode as u.


Eq. (20) in Eichner (2017), and hence J2(u,c)J_2(u, c), requires cc to be in (3,5](\sqrt 3, \sqrt 5]. If cc does not satisfy this requirement (only) a warning is issued.

The default cc = sqrt(5) yields the optimal rank transformation.

See Also



u <- seq(0, 1, by = 0.01)
c0 <- expression(sqrt(3) + 0.01)
c1 <- expression(sqrt(5))
cgrid <- seq(1.85, 2.15, by = 0.1)
cvals <- c(eval(c0), cgrid, eval(c1))

Y <- sapply(cvals, function(cc, u) J2(u, cc = cc), u = u)
cols <- rainbow(ncol(Y), end = 9/12)
matplot(u, Y, type = "l", lty = "solid", col = cols,
  ylab = expression(J[2](u, c)))
abline(h = 0)
legend("topleft", title = "c", legend = c(c0, cgrid, c1),
  lty = 1, col = cols, cex = 0.8)

Kernel Adaptive Density Estimator


Wrapper function which does some preparatory calculations and then calls the actual “workhorse” functions which do the main computations for kernel adaptive density estimation of Srihera & Stute (2011) or Eichner & Stute (2013). Finally, it structures and returns the obtained results. Summarizing information and technical details can be found in Eichner (2017).


kade(x, data, kernel = c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular"),
  method = c("both", "ranktrafo", "nonrobust"), Sigma = seq(0.01, 10, length
  = 51), h = NULL, theta = NULL, ranktrafo = J2, ticker = FALSE,
  plot = FALSE, parlist = NULL, ...)



Vector of location(s) at which the density estimate is to be computed.


Vector (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n) of the data from which the estimate is to be computed. NAs or infinite values are removed (and a warning is issued).


A character string naming the kernel to be used for the adaptive estimator. This must partially match one of "gaussian", "rectangular" or "epanechnikov", with default "gaussian", and may be abbreviated to a unique prefix. (Currently, this kernel is also used for the initial, non-adaptive Parzen-Rosenblatt estimator which enters into the estimators of bias and variance as described in the references.)


A character string naming the method to be used for the adaptive estimator. This must partially match one of "both", "ranktrafo" or "nonrobust", with default "both", and may be abbreviated to a unique prefix.


Vector of value(s) of the scale parameter σ\sigma. If of length 1 no adaptation is performed. Otherwise considered as the initial grid over which the optimization of the adaptive method will be performed. Defaults to seq(0.01, 10, length = 51).


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh. Defaults to NULL and is then internally set to n1/5n^{-1/5}.


Numeric scalar for value of location parameter θ\theta. Defaults to NULL and is then internally set to the arithmetic mean of x1,,xnx_1, \ldots, x_n.


Function used for the rank transformation. Defaults to J2 (with its default cc = sqrt(5)).


Logical; determines if a 'ticker' documents the iteration progress through Sigma. Defaults to FALSE.


Logical or character or numeric and indicates if graphical output should be produced. Defaults to FALSE (i.e., no graphical output is produced) and is passed to adaptive_fnhat() which does the actual work. For details on how it is processed see there.


A list of graphical parameters that is passed to adaptive_fnhat(); see there. Default: NULL.


Further arguments possibly passed down. Currently ignored.


In the case of only one method a data frame whose components have the following names and meanings:

x x_0.
y Estimate of f(x_0).
sigma.adap The found minimizer of the MSE-estimator, i.e., the adaptive smoothing parameter value.
msehat.min The found minimum of the MSE-estimator.
discr.min.smaller TRUE iff the numerically found minimum was smaller than the discrete one.
sig.range.adj Number of adjustments of sigma-range.

In the case of both methods a list of two data frames of the just described structure.


Srihera & Stute (2011), Eichner & Stute (2013), and Eichner (2017): see kader.



 # Generating N(0,1)-data
set.seed(2017);     n <- 80;     d <- rnorm(n)

 # Estimating f(x0) for one sigma-value
x0 <- 1
(fit <- kade(x = x0, data = d, method = "nonrobust", Sigma = 1))

 # Estimating f(x0) for sigma-grid
x0 <- 1
(fit <- kade(x = x0, data = d, method = "nonrobust",
  Sigma = seq(0.01, 10, length = 10), ticker = TRUE))

## Not run: 
 # Estimating f(x0) for sigma-grid and Old-Faithful-eruptions-data
x0 <- 2
(fit <- kade(x = x0, data = faithful$eruptions, method = "nonrobust",
  Sigma = seq(0.01, 10, length = 51), ticker = TRUE, plot = TRUE))

## End(Not run)

Kernel Adjusted Density Estimation and Regression


Package of functions to compute kernel estimators for

  • nonparametric density estimation using a data-adjusted kernel or an appropriate rank-transformation, and for

  • nonparametric regression using a data-adjusted kernel.


The functions are based on the theory laid out in the following papers:

A very brief summary of the three papers above and sort of a vignette is presented in Eichner, G. (2017): Kader - An R package for nonparametric kernel adjusted density estimation and regression. In: Ferger, D., et al. (eds.): From Statistics to Mathematical Finance, Festschrift in Honour of Winfried Stute. Springer International Publishing. To appear in Jan. 2018. DOI then(!) presumably: 10.1007/978-3-319-50986-0.

Kernel Adaptive Regression Estimator


Wrapper function which does some preparatory calculations and then calls the actual “workhorse” functions which do the main computations for kernel adaptive regression estimation of Eichner & Stute (2012). Finally, it structures and returns the obtained results. Summarizing information and technical details can be found in Eichner (2017).


kare(x.points, data, kernel = c("gaussian", "epanechnikov", "rectangular"),
  Sigma = seq(0.01, 10, length = 51), h = NULL, theta = NULL)



Vector of location(s) at which the regression estimate is to be computed.


Data frame or list with one component named x which contains the vector of regressor values x1,,xnx_1, \ldots, x_n and one named y which holds the vector of pertaining response values y1,,yny_1, \ldots, y_n (in the corresponding order) of the data from which the estimate is to be computed at the values given in x.points. Pairs (xi,yi)(x_i, y_i) with NA or an infinite value in a least one of their elements are removed (and a warning is issued).


A character string naming the kernel to be used for the adaptive estimator. This must partially match one of "gaussian", "rectangular" or "epanechnikov", with default "gaussian", and may be abbreviated to a unique prefix. (Currently, this kernel is also used for the initial, non-adaptive Nadaraya-Watson regression estimator which enters into the estimators of bias and variance as described in the references.)


Vector of value(s) of the scale parameter σ\sigma. If of length 1 no adaptation is performed. Otherwise considered as the grid over which the optimization of the adaptive method will be performed. Defaults to seq(0.01, 10, length = 51).


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh. Defaults to NULL and is then internally set to n1/5n^{-1/5}.


Numeric scalar for value of location parameter θ\theta. Defaults to NULL and is then internally set to the arithmetic mean of x1,,xnx_1, \ldots, x_n.


If length(x.points) = 1, a list of eight components with the following names and meanings:

x Scalar xx-value in x.points at which the regression estimator was computed.
y Estimated scalar value of m(x)m(x) at point in x.points.
sigma.adap The found scalar minimizer of the MSE-estimator, i.e., the adaptive smoothing parameter value.
msehat.min The found scalar minimum of the MSE-estimator.
Sigma Vector with the σ\sigma-grid on which the minimization process was performed.
Bn Vector with the estimator of bias on that σ\sigma-grid.
Vn2 Ditto for the variance.
MSE Ditto for the MSE.

If length(x.points) > 1, a list with the same component names as above, but then

x Vector x.points with x-values at which the regression estimator was computed.
y Vector of estimated values of m(x)m(x) at the x-values in x.points.
sigma.adap Vector of the found minimizers of the MSE-estimator, i.e., the adaptive smoothing parameter values.
msehat.min Vector of the found minima of the MSE-estimator.
Sigma Vector with the σ\sigma-grid on which the minimization process was performed.
Bn (length(Sigma) by length(x.points))-matrix with the estimated values of the bias on the σ\sigma-grid in their columns (which correspond to the x-values).
Vn2 Ditto for the variance.
MSE Ditto for the MSE.


Eichner & Stute (2012) and Eichner (2017): see kader.



 # Regression function:
m <- function(x, x1 = 0, x2 = 8, a = 0.01, b = 0) {
 a * (x - x1) * (x - x2)^3 + b
 # Note: For a few details on m() see examples in ?nadwat.

x0 <- 5   # The point x_0 at which the MSE-optimal kernel adjusted
 # nonparametric estimation of m should take place. (Recall: for m's
 # default values a minimum is at 2, a point of inflection at 4, and
 # a saddle point an 8; an "arbitrary" point would, e.g., be at 5.)

n <- 100   # Sample size.
sdeps <- 1   # Std. dev. of the \epsilon_i: \sqrt(Var(Y|X=x))
             # (here: constant in x).
design.ctr <- x0 + 0.5   # "centre" and "scale" of the design, i.e.,
design.scl <- 1  # in the normal scenario below, expected value and
                 # std. dev. of the distribution of the x_i's.

set.seed(42)   # To guarantee reproducibility.
x <- rnorm(n, mean = design.ctr, sd = design.scl)   # x_1, ..., x_n
Y <- m(x) + rnorm(length(x), sd = sdeps)            # Y_1, ..., Y_n
data <- data.frame(x = x, y = Y)

 # Computing the kernel adaptive regression estimator values
x.points <- seq(-3.3 * design.scl, 3.3 * design.scl, length = 101) +
   design.ctr  # x-grid on which to draw and estimate the regr. fct. m.

Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 51)   # \sigma-grid for minimization.
fit <- kare(x.points = x0, data = data, Sigma = Sigma)

## Not run: 
 # Grafical display for the current data set
 # Storing the curent settings of the graphics device
 # and changing its layout for the three plots to come:
op <- par(mfrow = c(3, 1), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 0.1)+0.1,
   mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0), tcl = -0.3, cex.main = 2)

 # The scatter plot of the "raw data":
plot(y ~ x, data = data, xlim = range(data$x, x.points),
   ylim = range(data$y, fit$y, na.rm = TRUE),
   main = bquote(n == .(n)), xlab = "x", ylab = "y")

 # The "true" regression function m:
lines(x.points, m(x.points), lty = 2)

 # The MSE-optimal kernel adjusted nonparametric regression estimator
 # at x_0, i.e., the point (x_0, \hat m_n(x_0)):
points(fit$x, fit$y, col = "red", pch = 4, cex = 2)

 # The legend for the "true" regression function m and for the point
 # (x_0, \hat m_n(x_0)):
legend("topleft", lty = c(2, NA), pch = c(NA, 4),
 col = c("black", "red"), bty = "n", cex = 1.2,
 legend = c(as.expression(bquote(paste("m  with  ",
                                       sigma(paste(Y, "|", X == x))
                                 == .(sdeps)))),
            as.expression(bquote(paste(hat(m)[n](x[0]), "  at  ",
                                       x[0] == .(x0))))))

 # Visualizing the estimators of (Bias_n(sigma))^2 and
 # Var_n(sigma) at x0 on the sigma-grid:
  matplot(Sigma, cbind(Bn*Bn, Vn2), type = "l", lty = 1:2,
   col = c("black", "red"), xlab = expression(sigma), ylab = ""))

 # The legend for (Bias_n(sigma))^2 and Var_n(sigma):
legend("topleft", lty = 1:2, col = c("black", "red"), bty = "n",
  legend = c(expression(paste(widehat(plain(Bias))[n]^2, (sigma))),
  cex = 1.2)

 # Visualizing the estimator of MSE_n(sigma) at x0 on the sigma-grid
 # together with the point indicating the detected minimum, and a legend:
plot(fit$Sigma, fit$MSE, type = "l",
 xlab = expression(sigma), ylab = "")
points(fit$sigma.adap, fit$msehat.min, pch = 4, col = "red", cex = 2)
legend("topleft", lty = c(1, NA), pch = c(NA, 4),
 col = c("black", "red"), bty = "n", cex = 1.2,
 legend = c(expression(widehat(plain(MSE))[n](sigma)),
            substitute(group("(", list(plain(Minimizer),
                                       plain(Minimum)), ")")
                         == group("(", list(x, y), ")"),
                       list(x = signif(fit$sigma.adap, 4),
                            y = signif(fit$msehat.min, 4)))))

par(op) # Restoring the previous settings of the graphics device.

## End(Not run)

Convolution of Kernel Function K with fn


Vectorized evaluation of the convolution of the kernel function K with fn.


kfn_vectorized(u, K, xixj, h, sig)



Numeric vector.


Kernel function with vectorized in- & output.


Numeric matrix.


Numeric scalar.


Numeric scalar.


Vectorized (in u) evaluation of - a more explicit representation of - the integrand K(u)fn(h2/σu)K(u) * f_n(\ldots - h^2/\sigma * u) which is used in the computation of the bias estimator before eq. (2.3) in Srihera & Stute (2011). Also used for the analogous computation of the respective bias estimator in the paragraph after eq. (6) in Eichner & Stute (2013).


A vector of (Kfn)(u)(K * f_n)(u) evaluated at the values in u.


An alternative implementation could be K(u) * sapply(h/sig * u, function(v) mean(K(xixj - v))) / h



set.seed(2017);   n <- 100;   Xdata <- rnorm(n)
x0 <- 1;          sig <- 1;   h <- n^(-1/5)

Ai <- (x0 - Xdata)/h
Bj <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata   # in case of non-robust method
AiBj <- outer(Ai, Bj/sig, "+")

ugrid <- seq(-10, 10, by = 1)
kader:::kfn_vectorized(u = ugrid, K = dnorm, xixj = AiBj, h = h, sig = sig)

Minimization of Estimated MSE


Minimization of the estimated MSE as function of σ\sigma in four steps.


minimize_MSEHat(VarHat.scaled, BiasHat.squared, sigma, Ai, Bj, h, K, fnx,
  ticker = FALSE, plot = FALSE, ...)



Vector of estimates of the scaled variance (for values of σ\sigma in sigma).


Vector of estimates of the squared bias (for values of σ\sigma in sigma).


Numeric vector (σ1,,σs)(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_s) with s1s \ge 1.


Numeric vector expecting (x0X1,,x0Xn)/h(x_0 - X_1, \ldots, x_0 - X_n) / h, where (usually) x0x_0 is the point at which the density is to be estimated for the data X1,,XnX_1, \ldots, X_n with h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Numeric vector expecting (J(1/n),,J(n/n))(-J(1/n), \ldots, -J(n/n)) in case of the rank transformation method, but (θ^X1,,θ^Xn)(\hat{\theta} - X_1, \ldots, \hat{\theta} - X_n) in case of the non-robust Srihera-Stute-method. (Note that this the same as argument Bj of adaptive_fnhat!)


Numeric scalar, where (usually) h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Kernel function with vectorized in- & output.


fn(x0)=f_n(x_0) = mean(K(Ai))/h, where here typically h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Logical; determines if a 'ticker' documents the iteration progress through sigma. Defaults to FALSE.


Should graphical output be produced? Defaults to FALSE.


Currently ignored.


Step 1: determine first (= smallest) maximizer of VarHat.scaled (!) on the grid in sigma. Step 2: determine first (= smallest) minimizer of estimated MSE on the σ\sigma-grid LEFT OF the first maximizer of VarHat.scaled. Step 3: determine a range around the yet-found (discrete) minimizer of estimated MSE within which a finer search for the “true” minimum is continued using numerical minimization. Step 4: check if the numerically determined minimum is indeed better, i.e., smaller than the discrete one; if not keep the first.


A list with components sigma.adap, msehat.min and discr.min.smaller whose meanings are as follows:

sigma.adap Found minimizer of MSE estimator.
msehat.min Found minimum of MSE estimator.
discr.min.smaller TRUE iff the numerically found minimum was smaller than the discrete one.



set.seed(2017);     n <- 100;     Xdata <- sort(rnorm(n))
x0 <- 1;      Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 11)

h <- n^(-1/5)
Ai <- (x0 - Xdata)/h
fnx0 <- mean(dnorm(Ai)) / h   # Parzen-Rosenblatt estimator at x0.

 # For non-robust method:
Bj <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata
#  # For rank transformation-based method (requires sorted data):
# Bj <- -J_admissible(1:n / n)   # rank trafo

BV <- kader:::bias_AND_scaledvar(sigma = Sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = Bj,
  h = h, K = dnorm, fnx = fnx0, ticker = TRUE)

kader:::minimize_MSEHat(VarHat.scaled = BV$VarHat.scaled,
  BiasHat.squared = (BV$BiasHat)^2, sigma = Sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = Bj,
  h = h, K = dnorm, fnx = fnx0, ticker = TRUE, plot = FALSE)

MSE Estimator


Vectorized (in σ\sigma) function of the MSE estimator in eq. (2.3) of Srihera & Stute (2011), and of the analogous estimator in the paragraph after eq. (6) in Eichner & Stute (2013).


mse_hat(sigma, Ai, Bj, h, K, fnx, ticker = FALSE)



Numeric vector (σ1,,σs)(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_s) with s1s \ge 1.


Numeric vector expecting (x0X1,,x0Xn)/h(x_0 - X_1, \ldots, x_0 - X_n) / h, where (usually) x0x_0 is the point at which the density is to be estimated for the data X1,,XnX_1, \ldots, X_n with h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Numeric vector expecting (J(1/n),,J(n/n))(-J(1/n), \ldots, -J(n/n)) in case of the rank transformation method, but (θ^X1,,θ^Xn)(\hat{\theta} - X_1, \ldots, \hat{\theta} - X_n) in case of the non-robust Srihera-Stute-method. (Note that this the same as argument Bj of adaptive_fnhat!)


Numeric scalar, where (usually) h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Kernel function with vectorized in- & output.


fn(x0)=f_n(x_0) = mean(K(Ai))/h, where here typically h=n1/5h = n^{-1/5}.


Logical; determines if a 'ticker' documents the iteration progress through sigma. Defaults to FALSE.


A vector with corresponding MSE values for the values in sigma.

See Also

For details see bias_AND_scaledvar.



set.seed(2017);     n <- 100;     Xdata <- sort(rnorm(n))
x0 <- 1;      Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 11)

h <- n^(-1/5)
Ai <- (x0 - Xdata)/h
fnx0 <- mean(dnorm(Ai)) / h   # Parzen-Rosenblatt estimator at x0.

 # non-robust method:
theta.X <- mean(Xdata) - Xdata
kader:::mse_hat(sigma = Sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = theta.X,
  h = h, K = dnorm, fnx = fnx0, ticker = TRUE)

 # rank transformation-based method (requires sorted data):
negJ <- -J_admissible(1:n / n)   # rank trafo
kader:::mse_hat(sigma = Sigma, Ai = Ai, Bj = negJ,
  h = h, K = dnorm, fnx = fnx0, ticker = TRUE)

The Classical Nadaraya-Watson Regression Estimator


In its arguments x and dataX vectorized function to compute the classical Nadaraya-Watson estimator (as it is mnm_n in eq. (1.1) in Eichner & Stute (2012)).


nadwat(x, dataX, dataY, K, h)



Numeric vector with the location(s) at which the Nadaraya-Watson regression estimator is to be computed.


Numeric vector (X1,,Xn)(X_1, \ldots, X_n) of the x-values from which (together with the pertaining y-values) the estimate is to be computed.


Numeric vector (Y1,,Yn)(Y_1, \ldots, Y_n) of the y-values from which (together with the pertaining x-values) the estimate is to be computed.


A kernel function (with vectorized in- & output) to be used for the estimator.


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh.


Implementation of the classical Nadaraya-Watson estimator as in eq. (1.1) in Eichner & Stute (2012) at given location(s) in x for data (X1,Y1),,(Xn,Yn)(X_1, Y_1), \ldots, (X_n, Y_n), a kernel function KK and a bandwidth hh.


A numeric vector of the same length as x.



 # Regression function: a polynomial of degree 4 with one maximum (or
 # minimum), one point of inflection, and one saddle point.
 # Memo: for p(x) = a * (x - x1) * (x - x2)^3 + b the max. (or min.)
 # is at x = (3*x1 + x2)/4, the point of inflection is at x =
 # (x1 + x2)/2, and the saddle point at x = x2.
m <- function(x, x1 = 0, x2 = 8, a = 0.01, b = 0) {
 a * (x - x1) * (x - x2)^3 + b
 # Note: for m()'s default values a minimum is at x = 2, a point
 # of inflection at x = 4, and a saddle point at x = 8.

n <- 100       # Sample size.
set.seed(42)   # To guarantee reproducibility.
X <- runif(n, min = -3, max = 15)      # X_1, ..., X_n
Y <- m(X) + rnorm(length(X), sd = 5)   # Y_1, ..., Y_n

x <- seq(-3, 15, length = 51)   # Where the Nadaraya-Watson estimator
                                # mn of m shall be computed.
mn <- nadwat(x = x, dataX = X, dataY = Y, K = dnorm, h = n^(-1/5))

plot(x = X, y = Y);   rug(X)
lines(x = x, y = mn, col = "blue")  # The estimator.
curve(m, add = TRUE, col = "red")   # The "truth".



Coefficient pcp_c of eq. (15.15) in Eichner (2017).





Numeric vector.


p_c = 1/5 * (3c^2 - 5) / (3 - c^2) * c^2.

For further details see p. 297 f. in Eichner (2017) and/or Eichner & Stute (2013).


Vector of same length and mode as cc.


pcp_c should be undefined for c=3c = \sqrt 3, but pc is here implemented to return Inf in each element of its return vector for which the corresponding element in cc contains R's value of sqrt(3).


c0 <- expression(sqrt(5/3))
c1 <- expression(sqrt(3) - 0.01)
cgrid <- seq(1.325, 1.7, by = 0.025)
cvals <- c(eval(c0), cgrid, eval(c1))

plot(cvals, pc(cvals), xaxt = "n", xlab = "c", ylab = expression(p[c]))
axis(1, at = cvals, labels = c(c0, cgrid, c1), las = 2)



Coefficient qc(u)q_c(u) of eq. (15.15) in Eichner (2017).


qc(u, cc = sqrt(5/3))



Numeric vector.


Numeric constant, defaults to (5/3)\sqrt(5/3).


qc(u)=2/5c5/(3c2)(12u)q_c(u) = 2/5 * c^5 / (3 - c^2) * (1 - 2 * u)

For further details see p. 297 f. in Eichner (2017) and/or Eichner & Stute (2013).


Vector of same length and mode as u.


qc(u)q_c(u) should be undefined for c=3c = \sqrt 3, but qc is here implemented to return Inf * (1 - 2*u) if cc contains R's value of sqrt(3).


u <- c(0, 1)   # seq(0, 1, by = 0.1)
c0 <- expression(sqrt(5/3))
c1 <- expression(sqrt(3) - 0.05)
cgrid <- seq(1.4, 1.6, by = 0.1)
cvals <- c(eval(c0), cgrid, eval(c1))

Y <- sapply(cvals, function(cc, u) qc(u, cc = cc), u = u)
cols <- rainbow(ncol(Y), end = 9/12)
matplot(u, Y, type = "l", lty = "solid", col = cols,
  ylab = expression(q[c](u)))
abline(h = 0, lty = "dashed")
legend("topright", title = "c", legend = c(c0, cgrid, c1),
  lty = 1, col = cols, cex = 0.8)

Rectangular kernel


Vectorized evaluation of the rectangular kernel.


rectangular(x, a = -0.5, b = 0.5)



Numeric vector.


Numeric scalar: lower bound of kernel support; defaults to -0.5.


Numeric scalar: upper bound of kernel support; defaults to 0.5.


A numeric vector of the rectangular kernel evaluated at the values in x.


kader:::rectangular(x = seq(-1, 1, by = 0.1))

curve(kader:::rectangular(x), from = -1, to = 1)

Variance Estimator of Eichner & Stute (2012)


Variance estimator Varn(σ)Var_n(\sigma), vectorized in σ\sigma, on p. 2540 of Eichner & Stute (2012).


var_ES2012(sigma, h, xXh, thetaXh, K, YmDiff2)



Numeric vector (σ1,,σs)(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_s) with s1s \ge 1 with values of the scale parameter σ\sigma.


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh (as “contained” in thetaXh and xXh).


Numeric vector expecting the pre-computed h-scaled differences (xX1)/h(x - X_1)/h, ..., (xXn)/h(x - X_n)/h where xx is the single (!) location for which the weights are to be computed, the XiX_i's are the data values, and hh is the numeric bandwidth scalar.


Numeric vector expecting the pre-computed h-scaled differences (θX1)/h(\theta - X_1)/h, ..., (θXn)/h(\theta - X_n)/h where θ\theta is the numeric scalar location parameter, and the XiX_i's and hh are as in xXh.


A kernel function (with vectorized in- & output) to be used for the estimator.


Numeric vector of the pre-computed squared differences (Y1mn(x))2(Y_1 - m_n(x))^2, ..., (Ynmn(x))2(Y_n - m_n(x))^2.


The formula can also be found in eq. (15.22) of Eichner (2017). Pre-computed (xXi)/h(x - X_i)/h, (θXi)/h(\theta - X_i)/h, and (Yimn(x))2(Y_i - m_n(x))^2 are expected for efficiency reasons (and are currently prepared in function kare).


A numeric vector of the length of sigma.


Eichner & Stute (2012) and Eichner (2017): see kader.

See Also

kare which currently does the pre-computing.



 # Regression function:
m <- function(x, x1 = 0, x2 = 8, a = 0.01, b = 0) {
 a * (x - x1) * (x - x2)^3 + b
 # Note: For a few details on m() see examples in ?nadwat.

n <- 100       # Sample size.
set.seed(42)   # To guarantee reproducibility.
X <- runif(n, min = -3, max = 15)      # X_1, ..., X_n   # Design.
Y <- m(X) + rnorm(length(X), sd = 5)   # Y_1, ..., Y_n   # Response.

h <- n^(-1/5)
Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 51)   # sigma-grid for minimization.
x0 <- 5   # Location at which the estimator of m should be computed.

mnX  <- nadwat(x = X, dataX = X, dataY = Y, K = dnorm, h = h) # m_n(X_i)
                                                     # for i = 1, ..., n.
 # Estimator of Var_x0(sigma) on the sigma-grid:
(Vn <- var_ES2012(sigma = Sigma, h = h, xXh = (x0 - X) / h,
  thetaXh = (mean(X) - X) / h, K = dnorm, YmDiff2 = (Y - mnX)^2))

## Not run: 
 # Visualizing the estimator of Var_n(sigma) at x0 on the sigma-grid:
plot(Sigma, Vn, type = "o", xlab = expression(sigma), ylab = "",
  main = bquote(widehat("Var")[n](sigma)~~"at"~~x==.(x0)))

## End(Not run)

Weights WniW_{ni} of Eichner & Stute (2012)


Function, vectorized in its first argument sigma, to compute the “updated” weights WniW_{ni} in eq. (2.1) of Eichner & Stute (2012) for the kernel adjusted regression estimator.


weights_ES2012(sigma, xXh, thetaXh, K, h)



Numeric vector (σ1,,σs)(\sigma_1, \ldots, \sigma_s) with s1s \ge 1 with values of the scale parameter σ\sigma.


Numeric vector expecting the pre-computed h-scaled differences (xX1)/h(x - X_1)/h, ..., (xXn)/h(x - X_n)/h where xx is the single (!) location for which the weights are to be computed, the XiX_i's are the data values, and hh is the numeric bandwidth scalar.


Numeric vector expecting the pre-computed h-scaled differences (θX1)/h(\theta - X_1)/h, ..., (θXn)/h(\theta - X_n)/h where θ\theta is the numeric scalar location parameter, and the XiX_i's and hh are as in xXh.


A kernel function (with vectorized in- & output) to be used for the estimator.


Numeric scalar for bandwidth hh (as “contained” in thetaXh and xXh).


Note that it is not immediately obvious that WniW_{ni} in eq. (2.1) of Eichner & Stute (2012) is a function of σ\sigma. In fact, Wni=Wni(x;h,θ,σ)W_{ni} = W_{ni}(x; h, \theta, \sigma) as can be seen on p. 2542 ibid. The computational version implemented here, however, is given in (15.19) of Eichner (2017). Pre-computed (xXi)/h(x - X_i)/h and (θXi)/h(\theta - X_i)/h, i=1,,ni = 1, \ldots, n are expected for efficiency reasons (and are currently prepared in function kare).


If length(sigma) > 1 a numeric matrix of the dimension length(sigma) by length(xXh) with elements (Wni(x;h,θ,σr))(W_{ni}(x; h, \theta, \sigma_r)) for r=1,,r = 1, \ldots, length(sigma) and i=1,,i = 1, \ldots, length(xXh); otherwise a numeric vector of the same length as xXh.


Eichner & Stute (2012) and Eichner (2017): see kader.

See Also

bias_ES2012 and var_ES2012 which both call this function, and kare which currently does the pre-computing.



 # Regression function:
m <- function(x, x1 = 0, x2 = 8, a = 0.01, b = 0) {
 a * (x - x1) * (x - x2)^3 + b
 # Note: For a few details on m() see examples in ?nadwat.

n <- 100       # Sample size.
set.seed(42)   # To guarantee reproducibility.
X <- runif(n, min = -3, max = 15)      # X_1, ..., X_n   # Design.
Y <- m(X) + rnorm(length(X), sd = 5)   # Y_1, ..., Y_n   # Response.

h <- n^(-1/5)
Sigma <- seq(0.01, 10, length = 51)   # sigma-grid for minimization.
x0 <- 5   # Location at which the estimator of m should be computed.

 # Weights (W_{ni}(x; \sigma_r))_{1<=r<=length(Sigma), 1<=i<=n} for
 # Var_n(sigma) and Bias_n(sigma) each at x0 on the sigma-grid:
weights_ES2012(sigma = Sigma, xXh = (x0 - X) / h,
  thetaXh = (mean(X) - X) / h, K = dnorm, h = h)